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Your Teacher : Teji

My VISION is to create a space for you to enjoy LIFE's transformative experiences.

Born and raised in India, at an early age I took a courageous step to move to Europe for studies and work.

I have been learning and practicing Kalari for the last 10 years. Since then it has become my passion and lifestyle.

My MISSION is to spread the knowledge of Kalari to as many people as possible in this world.

Kalari has strengthened my warrior spirit allowing me to be successful in life.

I have studied under my Guru Sherifka, from Malabar Kalaripayyattu Academy in India.

In Germany, I was trained under Senior Teachers: Janet and Petra.

I am immensely grateful for their dedication and knowledge. 


Oldest Martial Arts

"Kalaripayattu" (Kalari) has it origins in India.
Wisdom and knowledge preserved for 3000 years is practiced extensively inside and outside of India.

Kalari tradition comprises of
- Ayurvedic medicines
- Kalari Massage
- Body movement

Kalari training and teaching are based on the in-depth knowledge of Marma, Nadi and Fascias. 

In today's fast-paced world of distractions and disconnect with oneself, Kalari provides a platform to orient ourselves to what matters most.

Kalari helps you to have an enriching and fulfilling life, by allowing you to go deep within yourself.

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Holistic training 2

Stillness in the movements. Body and Mind are aligned through Kalari training. Intensifying internal and external awareness.

Fascia Training

Kalari designs the movements to strengthen your body ultimately to handle weapons. Kalari works on the Fascia layer of the body which in turn improves the overall functioning of the organs.



Strengthens the Sixth Sense of the body : Awareness in position and movements of the body. Bringing more stability and grounding to both body and mind. 


The wandering mind is trained during Kalari practice focusing on activity at hand. Repeated practice enhances concentration and focus, giving space for creativity.


Face to Face classes

Beginners class :
Everyone above 7 years, no prior knowledge needed.

Practice :
Lohas (warm up exercises)
Animal posture
Body forms

Attire :
Comfortable clothes, barefoot training

Time :
18:00 - 19:15 (Every Monday)

Cost :
Free trail class

Location :
Heßstr. 45, 80798 Munich, Germany

Online 1:1

Beginners class :
Everyone above 7 years, no prior knowledge needed.

Practice :
Lohas (warm up exercises)
Animal posture
Body forms

Attire :
Comfortable clothes, barefoot training

Time :
Upon request

Cost :
Free trail class

Location :
Online platform
Students Say
WhatsApp Image 2021-08-09 at 09.50.43

I got to know Teju (the teacher) through a friend and she mentioned Kalari to me and how she has been practicing it for many years! I was immediately intrigued by it and wanted to try it. So when Teju started her classes, I immediately enrolled!
Kalari has made me more flexible and has helped to explore some of the limits of my stamina. When Kalari was still new to me I thought it’s like Yoga with movement but later I discovered it’s so much more! It has animal forms, fight routines(something like a choreography!), and even involves the usage of weapons! I realized eventually that Kalari is a form of martial arts which is designed to harness your energy and focus and make you calmer. It’s good for both physical and mental well-being.
So far Kalari has been a great experience for me and I will definitely recommend it to people.

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-15 at 11.42.08


Als ich wieder mit einem Kampfsport beginnen wollte, habe ich viele Martial Arts Studios in München besucht. Die Entscheidung für Kalari bei Teji fiel mir leicht - Teji schafft vom ersten Moment an eine herzliche, vertraute Atmosphäre und schenkt allen Teilnehmenden individuell große Aufmerksamkeit. Ihre Trainings führen einen von völliger Ruhe über die individuellen Kraftgrenzen bis zu einem bewussten Ausklang. Am Ende bin ich immer ebenso erschöpft wie beschwingt!


Teji is a wonderful and dedicated Kalari trainer. Her training is a great mix of rigor and humor. The Kalari training itself is super intense and activates many different muscles and tendons throughout the body. In addition to strength, flexibility also plays a big role. Gladly again and again.


WhatsApp: +91 8799953331
Calling: +49 15205923048

Heßstr. 45, 80798 Munich, Germany